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Marek Fořt

Hey, I'm Marek Fořt, developer from Prague, currently living in Berlin. I help mobile engineers scale their projects with Tuist as a co-founder and a maintainer.

My Posts

  1. Calm apps
  2. Compiling Package.swift in a raw Xcode project
  3. Restarting my blog
  4. Dogfooding tuist
  5. Closing my Ackee Chapter
  6. Finite Automata Editor App
  7. Review of Art of Doing Science and Engineering
  8. Migration Tips - Let Time Work for You
  9. MNIST Maker App
  10. Importance of dotfiles
  11. Review of User Friendly; How the Hidden Rules of Design Are Changing the Way We Live, Work, and Play
  12. Loading Dynamic Arguments with the new ArgumentParser by Apple